Suggest a translation


पृष्ठज born on the back


Examples :

  • Level C2
  • यह विचार मेरे दिमाग में पृष्ठज हुआ This idea was born in my mind
  • यह योजना एक पुराने विचार से पृष्ठज हुई है This plan was born from an old idea
  • यह कलाकृति एक कल्पना से पृष्ठज हुई है This work of art was born of imagination
पृष्ठज born from the back


Examples :

  • Level C2
  • कछुए के बच्चे पृष्ठज होते हैं Turtle babies are born on their backs
  • कुछ पक्षियों के बच्चे भी पृष्ठज होते हैं Some bird babies are also born on their backs