Suggest a translation

यदि - یدی

यदि if


Examples :

  • Level B1
  • यदि मैं भी मेहनत करती तो परीक्षा में प्रथम आती If I had worked hard too, I would have finished first in the exam
  • यदि तुम नहीं पढ़ोगे तो परीक्षा में सफल नहीं होगे If you don't study, you won't pass the exam
  • मैं हिंदी बोलता यदि मैं इतना थका हुआ नहीं होता I would speak Hindi if I was not so tired
  • यदि अंग्रेज भारत नहीं आते तो हमारा भारत कैसा होता ? If the English had not come then how would our India have been ?
  • यदि रोहन समय पर ध्यान देता तो उसकी नौकरी नहीं छूटती If Rohan had paid attention to the time, he would not have lost his job
  • वह हिंदी बोलने में सफल हो जाता यदि उसने भारत में अधिक समय गुज़ारा होता he would have managed to speak Hindi if he had stayed longer in India